Komodo Island and More
Widuri talks about special places in her country.
Danu: So, Widuri, could you talk about another interesting place in Indonesia?
Widuri: Oh, Indonesia also famous for its cultural heritage. One I can mention is Borobudur Temple. Do you know that?
Danu: Borobudur Temple?
Widuri: Yes.
Danu: I have heard about it. I heard the temple is a World Heritage Site.
Widuri: Yes, it is. And this one, different with Bali, this one is for Buddhism. So it's very huge, and you can see a lot of stupa there.
Danu: Oh, so this is a Buddhist temple?
Widuri: Yes, it is.
Danu: And roughly how old is this place?
Widuri: Wow, I can't remember the exact number, but it is very, very old. We even make some-
Danu: Conservation?
Widuri: There are a lot of conservations for this place because it destroyed before because of the earthquake. So I think this is very, very old. I can't even remember the name of the king who made this temple, but this is very old.
Danu: So this is a very famous place?
Widuri: Yes, it is.
Danu: Is it beautiful?
Widuri: Yeah, because the scenery around it is very beautiful. If you want to go there, you have to climb some hills. So the way there is very beautiful. You can get there by a local car, you can rent a car and then you can enjoy the view first before you go there. Once you get there, you can climb all the temples up to the top and you can enjoy the view there.
Danu: Oh, it seems like a very nice place to go trekking as well.
Widuri: Yes, it is.
Danu: I see. So Widuri, so you talked about Bali and Borobudur.
Widuri: Yes.
Danu: Bali has a Hindu kovil and Borobudur has a Buddhist temple.
Widuri: Yes, so different.
Danu: So could you talk about another place of Indonesia, a very famous place?
Widuri: Oh, another famous place is Komodo island, have you heard that?
Danu: Komodo island? No, this is the first time for me to hear about Komodo island.
Widuri: Oh, Komodo island. So this Komodo island, komodo is an animal, this is a very rare animal. I don't think you can find Komodo in other places but Indonesia. Komodo, it shapes like a lizard. Yeah, it's like lizard, but it's very huge, the size is like lion size.
Danu: Oh, so big.
Widuri: Yes, it is so big.
Danu: Is it a dangerous animal?
Widuri: Yes, it is. You cannot touch them.
Danu: So there are so many komodos in Komodo island?
Widuri: Yes, it is. The Komodo island is the only one island you can find komodo. If you can find komodo in zoo in Indonesia, that must be from Komodo island. And this Komodo island is also very beautiful. They have pink beach, you have learned about it.
Danu: Pink beach?
Widuri: Yeah, pink beach.
Danu: So is it pink color beach?
Widuri: Yes. The beach, the sand, the sand color is pink. I think it's because of the coral, the pink coral who came to the beach.
Danu: Oh, that's very interesting. So if there are komodos in Komodo island, people cannot go to Komodo island?
Widuri: Nah. If you go to Komodo island, you have to be guided with the tour guide because you cannot touch them. You can only see the komodo from a distance.
Danu: Oh, I see. That's really interesting. Komodos and pink beach. Yeah. Thank you very much for the information, Widuri.
Widuri: Yeah, thank you. You have to go to Indonesia.
Danu: I will definitely. Please be my tour guide.
Widuri: Okay.

This is a very rare animal.
Something that is rare is not common. Notice the following:
- It is rare for people to speak five languages.
- Tigers are now very rare in the wild.

The Komodo Island is the only one island where you can find komodo.
An island is a place surrounded by water. Notice the following:
- Australia is one big island.
- Japan has four main islands.

They have, you know, pink beach.
The beach is a sandy place where the land touches water such as a lake, sea, or ocean. Notice the following:
- I love to go to the beach on a warm day.
- Hawaii has many nice beaches.
hear / heard

Have you heard about it?
Have you heard about it? means Do you know about it? Notice the following:
- Have you heard about the new mall?
- I have not heard about it yet.

The sand color is pink because of the coral.
Coral is sea life that look like rocks and come in many colors. Notice the following:
- Divers love to look at coral.
- The Great Barrier Reef has colorful coral.
from a distance

You can only see the komodo from a distance.
When something is from a distance, it is far away. Notice the following:
- I can see the tower from a distance. It is so tall.
- He waved at me from a distance.
Vocabulary Quiz
heard • coral • distance
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Hello, and welcome to elllo. My name is Todd Beuckens. I've been an ESL teacher for 25 years. I created elllo to provide teachers and students free audio lessons and learning materials not usually found in commercial textbooks.
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