Cheating Students
Aimee and Gilda talk about students who cheat and what teachers do about it, especially in Venezuela.
Aimee: Hey, Gilda. We're both teachers. I have a question. Have you ever caught a student cheating on a test?
Gilda: Many times.
Aimee: Oh my goodness.
Gilda: Yes. And I don't know other countries but Venezuela, it's pretty common especially in high school.
Aimee: Is it?
Gilda: Yes. And when it comes to the time of midterms, we have to be ready. We have to create like five models of the same test to avoid any cheating events during the test.
Aimee: Really?
Gilda: Yes. Also, they come up with all some sort of supporting material to the class that… Yeah, every day something new, like nowadays, with the use of cellphones and smart phones in the class they do incredible things. So we have to be like police officers during the midterm, checking their hands, their pockets, their hair, because some girls with long hair, they paste a piece of paper, they glue it to their hair.
Aimee: Oh my goodness.
Gilda: And they are like looking at it. Yeah. So they're experts in, yeah, in cheating.
Aimee: It sounds really common. So you've had to deal with that quite a lot.
Gilda: Yes, yes. Just based on my experience. So all these cases, I've had them in my class. Yes.
Aimee: And what – how did you deal with that? What do you do when you catch a student cheating?
Gilda: Well, it's very uncomfortable because you have to stop the class. And so, the students are, some of them, like, most of them are concentrated in the test. And then you have to stop and call their attention, normally, out loud because otherwise if you go like slowly, quiet, they might carried off of the paper or whatever they have. So yeah. But then, you kind of gotten used to it and teachers ask them to leave the classroom.
But nowadays, with the law, with this new law we got in teenagers and children in Venezuela, so if you caught students with a piece of paper cheat sheet, you have to take it from him or her and ask them to continue with the test.
Aimee: Okay.
Gilda: Or just like eliminate those parts with the answers that a person had on their paper. Yeah.
Aimee: Sounds like you're still giving them an opportunity to continue then.
Gilda: Yes, yes. Exactly. Although, like you feel really upset, you kind of understand like, okay, give me that please continue to do your best. That is what we are supposed to do. Yeah.
catch cheating

Have you ever caught a student cheating on a
When you are caught cheating, people see that you not doing something honestly. Notice the following:
- The player was caught cheating in the game.
- He was caught cheating, so he failed the test.
pretty common

It's pretty common, especially in high school.
If something is pretty common, that means it is normal for people to do it. Notice the following:
- Having a tattoo is pretty common nowadays.
- Being in debt is pretty common for most people.
come up with

They come up with all sorts of supporting
Here, come up with means to think of a way to do something. Notice the following:
- We came up with a better way to do it.
- Can you come up with a solution to the problem?

When it comes to the time of midterms, we have to
be ready.
A midterm is a test you take at the half-way point of a course. A final is a test you take at the end of a course. Notice the following:
- How did you do on your midterms?
- I failed my midterms.
deal with

How did you deal with that?
When you deal with something, you try to take care of it or handle it. Notice the following:
- I have to deal with people all day.
- She cannot deal with all the stress.
cheat sheet

You caught students with a cheat sheet.
A cheat sheet is small paper with notes or answers that helps people do tasks without having to memorize information. Notice the following:
- He used a cheat sheet on the test.
- I have a cheat sheet to remember the codes.
Vocabulary Quiz
midterm • deal with • cheat sheet
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Hello, and welcome to elllo. My name is Todd Beuckens. I've been an ESL teacher for 25 years. I created elllo to provide teachers and students free audio lessons and learning materials not usually found in commercial textbooks.
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