Hello, this is Christophe from Belgium for elllo.org.
Today I will talk to you about bad jobs.
You know, I remember a couple of years ago, I had a student job in a plastics factory. It's a factory where they make plastic boxes to put stuff in and I had to work during the night and there was a machine that gave me a plastic box and I had to put a sticker on it and put it somewhere else and then there was another box, I had to put a sticker on it and put it somewhere else and then there came a third box and I had to put the sticker on it and I put it somewhere else.
And it went on and on and on and on like this the whole night. So when I came home in the morning after a night shift, I was dreaming about boxes and putting stickers on it and putting it aside. It made me completely crazy and I was thinking I never want to do that again.
People who work in factories and have to do jobs like that, I feel sorry for them. That is really a bad job.