Hello. My name is Lasse and I'm from Denmark. And the question today is what house duties do you dislike the most?
And I must say to be honest, none of the duties are really fun. Actually, I don't like doing any of them. However, it's also necessary because I don't like living in a really messy environment. It stressed me out, I don't know why but it just stressed me out. So therefore, house duties is necessary but there's one thing I really dislike more than any other things and that's probably doing the dishes. And the reason why, I must say, is because you just spend a lot of time already doing the food and making really delicious and stuff. But then afterwards you know, Oh God, you need to do the dishes as well and you need to do it, and you can do it before but you're often really hungry and your food looks really delicious so most people do it afterwards. But you can't really enjoy it being full and just being tired after eating because you know, well yeah, I have to do the dishes. So yes, I must say, that's the one I dislike the most. What kind of house duties you kind of dislike the most?
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