English Listenign Lesson Lab Online
Talks #37 | Intermediate B1

Summer Holiday

Katy talks about a special memory of childhood holidays.

Answer the following questions about the interview.

My summer holidays were often spent visiting my grandma who lives in a coastal sea town in England. I used to love these holidays because there was the beach where you could ride donkeys. There was the water you could go for a boat ride. There was a park where we could do trampolining. There was a theme park where we used to go on a rollercoaster, and one of the most amazing roller coasters was designed like horses so you could have a horse race but it was a rollercoaster. There was also a tower designed in the shape of the Eiffel Tower, which you could go up and then have a view all around the town. And we always used to go and have fish and chips and ice cream on the pier at the end of a lovely sunny day.

What is the correct word? Listen to the audio to hear the answer!

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