
Views 201 to 250

250 Mexico
250 Mexico
Adrienne talks about her stay in Mexico.

249 The Outfit
249 The Outfit
Jessica describes what she is wearing and where she bought it.

248 Star Wars
248 Star Wars
Travis gives his thoughts about this famous movie.

247 Dublin
247 Dublin
Marion talks about Ireland's most famous city.

246 First Job
246 First Job
Lois talks about the first job she had and how much money she made.

245 Lost
245 Lost
Norman talks about a time he got lost in the woods.

244 Life in England
244 Life in England
Sarah talks about life back in her home country of England.

243 European Life
243 European Life
Norman talks about a time he lived in Europe.

242 New York
242 New York
Marion talks with her friend who was recently in New York.

241 Japan and England
241 Japan and England
Sarah compares Japan and England.

240 Football
240 Football
Lois talks about her favorite sport.

239 Olympics
239 Olympics
Travis talks about what he does not like about the Olympics.

238 Bad Students
238 Bad Students
Norman talks about a class that gave him trouble as a teacher.

237 Football Fan
237 Football Fan
Lois talks about football from a fan's perspective.

236 Sushi
236 Sushi
Jessica talks about sushi night.

235 Cooking
235 Cooking
John shares a dish that he can cook well.

234 Rugby
234 Rugby
Shawn talks about his favorite sport.

233 College
233 College
Shawn talks about his life in college.

232 Canandian Politics
232 Canadian Politics
Steve talks about the government in Canada.

231 Music
231 Music
Kate talks about what kinds of music she likes to listen to.

230 The Gift
230 The Gift
John talks about a Valentine's gift he received from his wife.

229 The DJ
229 The DJ
Alex answers questions about his job as a college DJ.

228 Irish Roots
228 Irish Roots
Kate talks about her Irish heritage.

227 The Horse Ride
227 The Horse Ride
Ashley talks about an interesting journey she took on a horse.

226 The Gym
226 The Gym
Kate talks about getting in shape.

225 Pizza
225 Pizza
Steve talks about a food he loves and what he like to put on it.

224 Hockey
224 Hockey
Steve talks about Canada's most popular sport.

223 Writing
223 Writing
John talks about a writing class he taught without the use of paper.

222 Pittsburg
222 Pittsburg
Alex talks about his city.

221 Favorties
221 Favorites
Shawn talks about things he really likes.

220 Fun Trip
220 Future Trip
Kate talks a travelling the places she plans to visit.

219 African Safari
219 African Safari
Ashley talks about a safari she went on in Africa.

218 Toronto
218 Toronto
Shawn talks about his city.

217 College Fun
217 College Pasttimes
Alex talks about things students do for fun at university in the U. S.

216 High School
216 High School
Sophie shares her high school memories.

215 The Wedding Her Story
215 The Wedding - His Story
John talks about the day he got married.

214 Band Trip
214 Band Trip
Alex talks about a trip he took with his band in college.

213 Studying in Canada
213 Studying in Canada
Steve gives advice for preparing to study in Canada.

212 The Anniversary
212 The Anniversary
Ashley talks about a special anniversary.

211 Onsens
211 Onsens
Steve talks about his love of onsens, or Japanese hot springs.

210 Rugby
210 Rugby
Leo talks about the national sport of New Zealand.

209 The fridge
209 The Fridge
John talks about what he has in refrigerator.

208 First Love
208 First Love
Kate talks about a special boyfriend.

207 The Coleege Diet
207 The College Diet
Alex talks about the foods he eats as a college student.

206 Nut Farm
#206 Nut Farm
Marion talks working on a nut farm.

205 The Wedding Her Story
205 The Wedding - Her Story
Anna talks about her wedding day memories.

204 Bats
204 Bats
Todd talks about his feelings about bats.

203 Seasons
203 Seasons
Todd talks about his favorite season.

202 Chicago
202 Chicago
Anna talks about her city.

201 Second Family
201 Second Family
Jessica talks about her host family in Spain.

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